dilluns, 7 de juliol del 2014

Gràcies, Soldevila!

Ha estat un cap de setmana simplement gloriós! El poble de Campredó ha pogut gaudir de tres dies de festa com se poden trobar a ben pocs llocs arreu! 
Des de divendres fins a diumenge la nit ha sigut un no parar de concerts, balls, cultura, tradició, molta xalera i sobre tot molt bona gent vinguda d'arreu dels Països Catalans, un grapat de gent professional i amb devoció per la música i el territori. I hem de remarcar, per a que tothom se n'assabenti, tot amb un pressupost Low Cost! 
És increïble com amb tants pocs recursos els membres de l'Associació Soldevila han pogut fer crèixer i donar a conèixer Mestràlia, una fira que ja és tot un referent arreu del país. Cada any se superen i aconsegueixen que els i les visitants a Fira Mestràlia marxin amb un somriure de satisfacció per tot el que han viscut i que ja comencin a comptar els dies que falten per a la propera edició! 
No tinc paraules per descriure tot el que hem viscut aquests dies, realment quan hi penso l'únic que em ve és un somriure d'orella a orella! Si me donessen a escollir quina activitat he gaudit més, no podria! No podria pel simple fet que tot, repeteixo, tot, ha estat increïblement fantàstic! 
Així que, com encara ens dura l'esgotament i la felicitat, només vull dir-vos, estimats membres i col·laboradors de Soldevila, sou collonuts!!!!!!!!!! Moltes felicitats per la feina ben feta! Endavant i Visca la Terra! 

dimarts, 1 de juliol del 2014

Hedge Schools

A hedge school (Irish names include scoil chois claí, scoil ghairid and scoil scairte) is the name given to an educational practice in 18th and 19th century Ireland, so called due to its rural nature. It came about as local educated men began an oral tradition of teaching the community. With the advent of the commercial world in Ireland after 1600, its peasant society saw the need for greater education.
While the "hedge school" label suggests the classes always took place outdoors (next to a hedgerow), classes were sometimes held in a house or barn. Subjects included primarily basic grammar, English and maths (the fundamental "three Rs"). In some schools the Irish bardic tradition, Latin, history and home economics were also taught. Reading was generally based on chapbooks, sold at fairs, typically with exciting stories of well-known adventurers and outlaws. Payment was generally made per subject, and brighter pupils would often compete locally with their teachers.
While Catholic schools were forbidden under the Penal laws from 1723 to 1782, no hedge teachers were known to be prosecuted. Indeed, official records were made of hedge schools by census makers. The laws' main target was education by the main Catholic religious orders, whose wealthier establishments were occasionally confiscated. The laws aimed to force Irish Catholics of the middle classes and gentry to convert to Anglicanism if they wanted a good education in Ireland.
Hedge schools declined from the foundation of the National School system by government in the 1830s. James Doyle, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin preferred this, as the new schools would be largely under the control of his church and allow a better teaching of Catholic doctrine.

It has been  found that hedge schools existed into the 1890s and suggested that the schools had existed as much from rural poverty and a lack of resources as from religious oppression. Marianne Eliott also mentions that they were used by the poor and not just by the Catholics. While the hedge schools were unfunded, the national school system set up from 1831 was ahead of school provision in England at that time. After 1900, some historians like Daniel Corkery tended to emphasize the hedge schools' classical studies (in Latin and Greek), but while these studies were sometimes taught (based on a local demand), they were not always common to every school.