dilluns, 16 de febrer del 2009


Avui dimarts 17 de febrer arriba el meu "fill adoptiu" anglès! I les meves alumnes estan totes molt emocionades per poder treure'l en cap de setmana, i practicar l'anglès (això potser no tant). En fi, que a partir d'avui hauré de fer de "mama" d'un infant de 18 anys! Que la sort ens acompanyi!
De totes maneres, estic segura que el noi és un bon jan i que ens portarem d'allò més bé, i, comptant amb l'ajut dels meus alumnes, seguríssim que Peter no s'avorrirà per aquestes terres. El que veig més complicat? Que ell aprengui català! Perque 6 setmanes no donen per gaire i, amb tota seguretat les noies i els nois de l'escola li parlaran en anglès, que ja els hi va bé.
De moment ja tenen plans pel cap de setmana amb sopar i sortida de carnestoltes, i suposo que a ell li vindrà de gust! Però això ja s'ho faran tots ells que per això són adolescents!
Pel que fa a la ciutat natal de'n Peter, he trobat aquesta informació a la xarxa:
"Nuneaton is most famous for its associations with the 19th century author George Eliot, who was born on a farm on the Arbury Estate just outside Nuneaton in 1819 and lived in the town for much of her early life.
Nuneaton is also the birthplace of film director Ken Loach, and the former 'standards and morality' campaigner Mary Whitehouse. It was also the birthplace and home of the game show host Larry Grayson.
In fiction, Nuneaton is referred to as 'Milby' in the George Elliot novel Scenes of Clerical Life (1858).
During the industrial revolution in the 19th century, Nuneaton developed a large textile industry. Other industries which developed in the town included brick and tile making and brewing. By 1901 the population of Nuneaton had grown to 25,000.
Due largely to munitions factories located in Nuneaton, the town suffered heavy bombing damage during World War II. The heaviest bombing raid on Nuneaton took place on the 17th May 1941, when 100 people were killed, 380 houses were destroyed, and over 10,000 damaged, a few smaller raids took place on the town, most notably on the 25th June 1942. As a result of the bombing, much of the town centre was re-built in the post war years.
On April 1, 1974 Nuneaton's council was merged with that of nearby Bedworth to form the borough of Nuneaton and Bedworth.
Nuneaton's traditional industries like textiles and manufacturing have declined drastically in the postwar years. Due to its good transport links, Nuneaton is now largely a commuter town for nearby Coventry and Birmingham. However electronics and distribution remain major economic activities in the town".

Estaria bé que els meus alumnes intentessin esbrinar alguna cosa més sobre Nuneaton i m'escriguessin una redacció d'aquelles que no me fan gairebé mai, però, de totes maneres...