dimarts, 30 de desembre del 2008








diumenge, 28 de desembre del 2008



Avui 28 de desembre té lloc el partit amistós entre la selecció nacional de Catalunya i la de Colòmbia al Camp Nou del Futbol Club Barcelona.
(informació treta de la Wikipèdia per donar una mica més d'informació sobre l'estat del reconeixement internacional de les seleccions catalanes i no solament una opinió personal).
Les seleccions esportives catalanes són les formacions que han competit, tant a l'Estat Espanyol com internacionalment, bé de forma oficial o bé amb caràcter amistós, sota la jurisdicció de les respectives federacions catalanes.

Algunes d'aquestes seleccions catalanes poden competir internacionalment de manera oficial en ser reconegudes les federacions catalanes per les respectives federacions internacionals. Tot i que la majoria no ho poden fer així sinó que ho fan com a seleccions autonòmiques en les competicions que organitzen les respectives Federacions Espanyoles, sovint en categories inferiors.

Des de mitjans de la dècada del 1990 es disputen regularment partits amistosos de caire internacional per part de les seleccions absolutes dels principals esports, fruit de la voluntat de les federacions, la Generalitat i algunes associacions d'impulsar-ne el reconeixement internacional.

Des de finals del segle XX la Plataforma Pro Seleccions Catalanes pretén obtenir el reconeixement de les federacions catalanes que no el tenen, i així poder competir internacionalment de forma oficial, com ja havia ocorregut abans de la Guerra Civil Espanyola.

A data de novembre de 2008, hi ha 15 esports en els que la federació catalana corresponent és reconeguda internacionalment de manera oficial.

Actualment hi ha al voltant de 50 "països esportius" al món, incloent-hi Catalunya, que participen en competicions oficials en determinades modalitats esportives sense tenir Estat propi.

Aquesta tradició històrica, juntament amb el fet que en molts esports són les federacions internacionals (i no els Estats) les que donen reconeixement a les federacions territorials, és el que ha possibilitat el reconeixement internacional d'algunes federacions catalanes, i per tant de les respectives seleccions per tal de participar en competicions oficials internacionals.
Si voleu obtenir més informació, només us cal consultar aquestes pàgines web:
Continuem lluitant per obtenir les nostres Seleccions Nacionals Catalanes!

divendres, 26 de desembre del 2008


Ja ha passat el dia de Nadal. S'ha acabat el tió, els torrons, el cava, el gall d'indi, ... NO! Els catalans hem de continuar la festa el dia de Sant Esteve!

I tornem a reunir-nos a casa d'algun altre familiar. I tornem a menjar molt. I tornem a fer cagar el tió. I tornem a beure cava.

Sembla com si les reunions familiars s'haguessen convertit en reunions per menjar i prou!

Anit una amiga meva anava a sopar amb els seus després d'haver-hi dinat! Déu meu! Sopar el dia de Nadal! A qui se li acut!

I a la tele, què hi trobem? Doncs a les catalanes programació de cap de setmana perque és festa, i a les estatals la mateixa programació que en un dia normal.

Tot continua igual any rera any, i donem gràcies que tot continui així!

Així que,

dimarts, 23 de desembre del 2008


Avui l'Oriol fa 11 anys! I sembla ahir quan va nèixer! I el proper curs ja començarà a l'institut!
De totes maneres, hem de continuar gaudint de la seva companyia i del seu amor perque és un "trosset de pà" i carinyòs com ell tot sol!
Avui li he trucat. Encara no eren les 9 del matí i ja estava tot emocionat perque avui els seus pares de regal d'aniversari el portaven a Port Aventura! Quin gran dia! a veure que ens conta a la nit!
Doncs, estimat Oriol, que tinguis un dia meravellós amb els pares i que cada any pel teu aniversari puguis tenir un dia tan fantàstic com el d'avui!

dilluns, 22 de desembre del 2008


La Loteria Nacional va néixer a l'Estat Espanyol durant la Guerra de la Independència com un mitjà per a augmentar els ingressos de l'erari públic sense que els contribuents en sortissin perjudicats.
El 4 de març de 1812 es va celebrar a Cadis el sorteig d'aquesta nova Loteria . La venda de Loteria Nacional va anar estenent-se des de Cadis a la resta de l'Estat al mateix temps que els exèrcits napoleónicos s'anaven retirant del país.
El primer sorteig celebrat en Nadal va tenir lloc el 18 de desembre de 1812 a Cadis. El primer premi 'Gros' va ser per al número 03604.
La primera vegada que va aparèixer l'actual denominació de Sorteig de Nadal, va ser el 23 de desembre de 1892.
Actualment el sorteig extraordinari de Nadal, que se celebra tots els anys el dia 22 de Desembre, és el més important i popular de tots els sortejos de Loteria realitzats a l'Estat.
Aquesta és la frase més sentida durant el dia d'avui, i de fet no van mal encaminats! La sort i la salut van sempre una al costat de l'altra, perque sense la salut no hi ha srt que valgui i sense sort, per molta salut que tinguem les coses no ens semblen bones!
Jo només hi jugo a un parell de números amb la meva millor amiga, però aquest any he jugat una mica més, amb d'altres amics. La raó? Doncs no ho sé. Potser és la sensació extesa de la crisi, potser són les ganes de respirar una mica més tranquils, potser és el somni de poder ajudar aquells que m'estimo... El fet és que hi jugo més, però tampoc no gaire, eh? I si us he de dir la veritat, no tinc ni idea de quant hi podria guanyar si em toqués la grossa! I de fet, a qui li importa? L'important és el goig que ens faria si ens toqués, oi?
Doncs, Bona Sort i Salut tinguem!

dissabte, 20 de desembre del 2008


My English friend , and adopted mother, Pauline has just sent me this SMS:
"Another month, another year, another smile, another winter, summer too, but there will never be another you"
Dear Pauline, I'm always so happy to have friends like you, people I can count on and people who know they can count on me.
As I already wrote in another of my articles, it doesn't matter how far away we live from each other as long as our friendship goes on!
I must let everybody know how important my friends from abroad are to me, all of them, my English ones such as Pauline and Ken, John, Madge and her family, Marie, Pete and Jenny; my Portuguese ones, Maria and Zenobia; my Italian ones, Mimmo, Laura and Sergio, as well as my friends from the Basque Country, Conchi and Alberto, and my Canarian friends, Ana, Félix, Elisa, Maria, Rous, and all the extended family who have adopted me in the several occasions I've travelled there!
Nevertheless, our love is always there, not only for those who live far away from us but also for those who are around us and who care for us day after day.
Hence, here's my tribute to all my beloved friends:

dimarts, 16 de desembre del 2008


Christmas is Coming
Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat,
Please put a penny In the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
A ha'penny will do,
If you haven't got a ha'penny,
Then God bless you.
Christmas is Coming
Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat,
Please put a penny In the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
A ha'penny will do,
If you haven't got a ha'penny,
Then God bless you.

Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell rock.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell rock.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell,
That's the jingle bell rock.

dissabte, 13 de desembre del 2008


Desprès de 9 caps de setmana, només 7 de classes, ja s'han acabat les comunes del CAP! Avui hi havia molt bon ambient a la classe. Es notava que la gent tenia ganes d'acabar perque fins i tot els professors es veien més animats i amb ganes de plegar i marxar cap a casa. Si fins i tot quan s'ha acabat la darrera classe, desprès de dues representacions teatrals d'uns "voluntaris" la gent han aplaudit amb tantes ganes, suposo que perque els companys ho han fet molt bé i també perque el darrer professor, José Aurelio, ens ha fet les classes molt amenes i animades, i això per a la gent com nosaltres, que ja treballem la gran majoria i que hem de sacrificar part dels caps de setmana per assistir a les classes, significa molt! O sigui, que ha sigut un aplaudiment de satisfacció i d'agraiment al mateix temps. Desprès han vingut els comiats perque la majoria no ens tornarem a veure mai més. Uns romandran a Lleó, els altres tornem cap als nostres llocs de residència i, molt probablement, no tornarem a coincidir. He de dir que per a mi ha sigut una experiència força enriquidora. Els viatges amb tren, 9 hores i mitja a l'anada i 9 hores i mitja a la tornada tots els caps de setmana, han sigut molt entretinguts i m'han permés de parlar amb gent molt diferent, la qual cosa sempre és benvinguda. He conegut una gent estupenda, uns professors molt agradables, unes companyes molt trempades, i m'han fet sentir com a casa, la veritat, i això és d'agrair perque en vistes de tot el que ens trobem quan anem pel món, trobar-te gent com aquesta és un veritable regal! Per això, gràcies Espe, Iván, Noemí, Raquel, Paloma, i Abigail, i tant de bò tingueu tot l'èxit que us mereixeu en la vida! Una abraçada i fins aviat o fins sempre!

dijous, 11 de desembre del 2008


"L'amicizia è uno dei sentimenti più belli che si possano vivere, perche offre la richezza, le emozioni, la complicità, e perche è totalmente libera ... anche se i nostri cammini sono diversi, anche se siamo lontani da centenaia oppure miliaia di chillometri, possiamo continuare a crescere insieme"

(Susanna Tamaro)

Queste parole rappresentano il bello dell'amicizia, cioè, di quella vera. tutte quelle altre che ognuno di noi si trova nella sua vita ma che davvero non ci riempisce per un lungo tempo, quelle che rimangono per un periodo di tempo corto e dopo spariscono dalle nostre vite, quelle che un giorno pensammo che fossero dei veri amici ma che alla fine dimostrassero che per niente lo furono stati, tutti quanti sono importanti nelle nostre vite, quelli che ci rimangono perche rimarranno da noi per aiutarci ed essere aiutati ovunque e in qualsiasi momento, e quelli che partiranno un giorno perche per un pezzo della nostra vita saranno stati importanti, ma ci dimenticheremo tutto quanto ci ha fatto male per poter godere dei bei ricordi che, un tempo lontano, i nostri "falsi amici" ci fessero credere che ci volevano bene, anche se i ricordi saranno sempre lì, nel nostro cuore.

Questo è per quelli veri amici che ci sono stati per tanto tempo e che, spero, ci rimarranno per sempre perche mi aiutano a farmi sentire una persona vera e pronta per aiutare qualsiasi amico che abbia bisogno di me.

dijous, 4 de desembre del 2008


J'ai lu "Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas" quand j'étudiais au lycée de Tortosa, il y a très longtemps! Mais après, je l'ai utilisé avec mes élèves parce que j'ai cru que c'était un des livres les plus amusants que j'ai jamais lus! Et c'est pour ça que, plus de vingt ans après, je continue à le recomander et je pourrais, même, affirmer que tous eux, mes élèves, l'ont aimé et qu'ils vont encore jouir la lecture de ce livre dans le futur!.

Il s'agit d'une histoire où un enfant petit, Nicolas, nous raconte les joies des séjours en famille au bord de la mer. Il explique tout ce qu'ils font, ensemble la plus part du temps, mais aussi tout ce que Nicolas fait quand il est avec ses copains en vacances.

La première partie du livre traite des vacances sur la plage tandis que dans la deuxième partie du livre Nicolas nous explique ce qu'il fait quand il repart en vacances après une année scolaire réparatrice, mais cette fois tout seul et en colonie de vacances. Ici, il découvre l'amitié, le travail en équipe, les feux de camp, les perils de la campagne, les aventures des copains, les découvertes, ...

Alors, je continue à penser que si vous aimez la langue française comme moi même, et si vous voulez savoir un peu plus du monde des petits enfants que vous avez déjà oublié, lisez-le et on en reparlera!

dimecres, 3 de desembre del 2008


Today I had my mobile phone stolen. I was not in the street or in a bar, not at all! I was working in my office and I had it on the desk! A muslim immigrant came in in order to sell me a newspaper, an exemplar of "El Mundo" by the way, and as I refused, he just said, in good Spanish "Ok, Madam. Bye", and he left. As quickly as he left I realised something was wrong, and of course I came out chasing him but he'd already got on his bike and rode away.

It could have been worse, of course, but I felt really impotent.

I had been robbed in my place! And this is not the first time we've been assaulted at work! First it was the new computer screen, then some bottles of "cava", then my brother's credit card, and now my mobile! It's incredible that nowadays we can't feel safe anywhere, not because this time it was an immigrant, it's not all immigrants' fault, but people around don't feel comfortable anywhere because violence, robberies and assaults are happening too often nowadays!

We should consider what is making this situation happen so often and in so many places, then we could perhaps find a solution to this chaos around.


"Va dove ti porta il cuore"
è un romanzo di Susanna Tamaro, una scrittrice italiana nata a Trieste nel 1957. Questo romanzo è stato tradotto in 34 paesi ed è anche stato tratto un film di Cristina Comencini.

Si tratta di un testo altamente poetico, impregnato dalla coscenza spirituale della narratrice, dalle riflessioni sulla vita, sul destino, sulla morte. Nonna riflette sulla sua vita e su quella delle persone che lei ha voluto di più, sua figlia e sua nipote. Il romanzo ci presenta i pensieri di Nonna in forma di scritti personali che lei vorrebbe far arrivare a sua nipote, adesso lontana da lei. Nonna medita sulla serenità dell'età, sul successo oppure il naufragio personale, sulla vita in generale.

È la forma che Nonna ha di far conoscere a sua nipote quello che è veramente stata lei ed anche la sua vita, senza inganni, con una chiarezza magnifica per poter fargli capire come mai la sua vita è stata quella che è stata e perché mai lei si è comportata come l'ha fatto.

È davvero un romanzo commovente e suggerente perché ci fa riflettere sulle relazioni delle persone che sembrano alienate ma che, in fondo, hanno bisogno delle altre per poter raggiungere un pizzico di felicità.

dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008


My godson Guillem is 5 years old. He's a real Barcelona supporter, and he likes all kinds of sports. He knows by heart all the names of the Barcelona players, and he's precisely keen on the goalkeeper, Víctor Valdés, because Guillem also likes being a goalkeeper, in fact he says that he is the best goalkeeper in the world!

Guillem lives in Campredó with his parents, his older sister, Rosa, 7, and one of his grandfathers. And in the summer, he loves swimming in their swimming pool!

He likes playing with his computer very much and watching football matches on the Internet.

He likes learning languages and he speaks Catalan, a bit of Italian and some English, too. He has studied English since he was three and he enjoys the lessons and the English games very much.

He's a very nice boy, but sometimes he is a bit naughty. Then, he apologizes and he behaves well again!

He loves both his dad and his mummy very much, but he is Mummy's boy, although he says he loves everybody as much as his mum!

He also loves being given presents! He adores it! And especially if his presents are related to Barcelona Football team! And most of all if these presents are given to him by his grandparents! He has a special relationship with his grandfather Daniel, but of course he loves his grandmother Angelita very much as well.

I love him! He's so nice and so intelligent! And he doesn't like being told off, just as his dad used to do when he was Guillem's age!

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2008


Rosa is my goddaughter. She is 7 years old and is older than her little brother, Guillem, who is 5. She lives in Campredó with her mum and Dad, her little brother and one of her granddads.

Rosa likes learning languages and in fact she speaks Catalan as her mother tongue, she also speaks Spanish at school, she has been learning English since she was 2, and, although she doesn't want me to, I speak Italian to her and her little brother. She can understand most of it but she is, nowadays, refusing to speak it, she just uses a few words. I hope she manages to speak these four languages fluently when she grows up because speaking languages is very important for her future.

She is very intelligent (she will get angry with me because she never wants me to say so, since she blushes easily) and she likes reading very much. She profits every moment she has to read a book, and she is also keen on the Internet. It is amazing to see how many things she can do when she's at her computer! She even taught me how to create power points!

She is a real fan of a band called "Obrint Pas". She knows all their lyrics by heart and she's even been to a couple of their concerts! And the most amazing thing is that it's not a children's group, but a rock group for adults!

I feel really proud of her. She's my little girl, and I know that she loves me as much as I love her.

These last weeks she's missed me a lot because of my absentce due to my course in León, Spain, but she felt so happy when I told her that I could do my practices in our area! However, every time we're together she never lets me go and she always wants to hug me and kiss me! I really love her!

Sometimes she says she'd like to become a writer, but a writer of children's tales, and I suppose that whenever she decides to take it up she'll be also great at it! I remember that some time ago she wrote a tale for me, and what we must take into consideration is that her imagination will help her wherever she goes and whatever she does in her life.

I know she'll get angry with me because I have only said good things about her, but, you know, how can you say bad things about sucha a lovely little person? No way!

dijous, 20 de novembre del 2008



TÍTULO DE LA WEBQUEST para los alumnos de la clase de inglés de 4º de la E.S.O.:


- A continuación os voy a dar las pautas para llevar a cabo la tarea que se os pide en la WebQuest de este mes.

- Como se trata de la clase de inglés y ya os encontráis en 4º de la E.S.O., las instrucciones para la WebQuest están en inglés; asimismo, se espera de todos vosotros que la presentación y la exposición en clase sea también en lengua inglesa.

- Así pues, leed con calma todas las instrucciones y pautas a seguir, y poned atención en todos los detalles.

¡Buena suerte!


- The Kents, a family from Knutsford, Cheshire (England), are planning a holiday in the Ebro Delta area, Tarragona (Spain).

- The family is formed by Peter (father, 45), Jennifer (mother, 43), Michael (son, 20)
and Emma (daughter, 18).

- Both the children have studied Spanish in High Sch
ool and now at university, so they won't have any problems with the language.


- You will be in groups of 4 people .

- You will have to plan a one-week holiday for this family, bearing in mind their likes and preferences, according to their age.

- You will have to prepare a Word Document with images and, as well as this, you'll have to include information about the transport system, sightseeing, leisure time, accommodation:

How to travel?
 Where to stay?
 What's the weather like?
 Different shops and other businesses timetables.
 What to eat?
 What to visit?
 Total price.


- You must create a perfect week holiday for the whole family.

- You must use at least 20 new words related to travelling and holidays, and underline them.


Peter: likes golf and birdwatching.

Jennifer: likes beaches and cycling.

Michael: likes adventure sports and thematic parks.

Michelle: likes sunbathing and thematic parks, too.

- Begin by making a list of the whole lot of possible activities for the family, to do together or on their own.

- Search for:


 and transport systems:

- Look for hotel information and timetables.

- Save all this information in a Word Document or use a PowerPoint to present your plan. You can also use maps, photos, brochures or whatever material to present it in class.



 http://www.terresdelebre.travel
 http://www.terresdelebre.travel/in/DescobreixNos/TurismeOrnitologic/index.php
 http://www.terresdelebre.travel/in/DescobreixNos/TurismeActiuIDAventura/Golf.php
 http://www.terresdelebre.travel/in/DescobreixNos/TurismeActiuIDAventura/CicloturismelaViaVerda.php
 http://www.terresdelebre.travel/in/DescobreixNos/TurismeActiuIDAventura/CicloturismeDeltaDeLEbre.php
 www.deltaturistic.com
 www.deltaventur.com
 www.portaventura.es
 www.tupatrocinio.com

 www.booking.com/Delta-del-Ebro

 www.nicetobook.com
 www.dsi.es/delta-hotel
 www.mediterraniblau.com
 www.centraldereservas.com



a) www.booking.com/airport/REU
b) www.aena.es
c) www.edreams.es
d) www.ryanair.com
e) www.easyjet.com


a) www.DoYouSpain.com
b) www.AmigoAutos.biz/Reus
c) www.easyterra.es
d) www.avis.es
e) www.pepecar.com


- What I will evaluate:

1) CONTENT: a varied visit to the Ebro Delta.

2) EXPRESSION: the way you use verbal tenses, connectors, vocabulary (especially new words).

3) GRAMMAR: the right use of English.

- As it is a group work, you all will be given a single mark.

- Thus, you will be evaluated as follows, from top marks to bottom ones:


1- You have included everything which has been asked.
2- You have not made any mistakes.
3- Accuracy is present and the work is perfectly readable and understandable.

4- Its structure is clearly stated.

5- It is appealing and persuading.


1- You have included almost everything, but you have missed some of the details. 2- There are a few mistakes.
3- Accuracy is present and the work is perfectly readable and understandable.

4- Its structure is recognizable and coherent.

 ACCEPTABLE: -----------.......-----------

1- You have included part of what has been asked but not all of it.
2- You have made some mistakes which are relevant for the total understading of the work.
3- The text is a bit disorganised but readable.
4- It is not appealing to the reader.

 POOR: !!!!!!!!

1- You have not included much of the information required.
2- There are too many mistakes.
3- It is disorganised and it is difficult to recognise its parts.

4- It does not appeal to the reader, but bores them.


The Kent family count on you to have a great time during their holiday, so:

- Don't hesitate to use all the available sources.
- Learn a lot about the Ebro area and