"Things harness me here, I long"
It presents a satiric approach to the pointlessness of W civilisation, opening with several allusions to familial ties. The concept of family is articulated upon the close relatives and the "extended family", friends or neighbours who can take care of children:
- She sadly remembers the warmth and affection of her family, which clashes with the coldness and intramural life of English people,which impels her to complain about the way the British are zealous of their privacy, which contrasts with the sense of collective identity that surges in the Car communities.
It points at excessive individualism as one of the traits that distinguishes W life from Car:
- Her communal conscience is unable to understand the reasons that lead people to lock themselves in their houses, hindering the development of a more integrated and cooperative society.
The poem's main idea is that the WI living in
- The poet unmasks the inner contradictions of W civilisation in which economic success usually comes as a result of sacrificing one's own happiness.
- She states that, contrary to her former life in the Car, her money income is regular for the first time, although it is not a synonym of joy, for she does not laugh as much as she did at home.
- Her depressed state of being is reinforced by the weather conditions, which explain why life in this country is intramural.
In the last section, Lucy ironically states that she is a sponge,:
- but what she manages to absorb has nothing to do with either the E culture, language or customs,
- but precisely all the shortcomings of modern lifestyle: noise, pollution, hypocrisy and lack of communication.
The poem is conceived as a dialogue between Lucy and an unknown addressee. And it calls to the "call and response" phenomenon that forms part of the black Car and A-A communities.
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